About Me

Todd Zarwell OD photo

Hi. I'm Todd Zarwell.

I'm a residency trained optometrist but, other than a high school semester of Apple IIe BASIC programming, I have no formal education as a web and mobile developer. When you're in this situation, the best way to work is backwards: Identify a problem you want to solve, then figure out what technologies you need to harness and what skills you need to learn to achieve the outcome that you're imagining.

I'm also a husband to an awesome wife and a dad of three incredible boys. Add in two dogs and a cat and, well, life can be pretty hectic. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I've always had a passion for using computer programs to solve problems for eye care professionals, and I sincerely hope this shows in the things I create. If you get a chance, check out some of my other projects.

EyeDock website icon My very first website became EyeDock.com. It started with the desire to look up contact lens parameters without needing a printed publication, a "hey, I wonder if I could make a website?", and an HTML for Dummies book. It evolved into a labor of love that has spanned over two decades. It remains a searchable contact lens database, a plethora of optics calculators, and other utilities for eye care professionals. Oh, there's an iPhone app too.

Parks 3 Step app icon The iPhone Park's Three Step app. The Parks Three Step app helps eye care professionals isolate the paretic muscle in acquired vertical diplopia. Enter your observations for each of the three tests and the app will suggest which EOM is underacting.

This app also explains how the each test is used to determine the final result. Consequently, this application is not only clinically useful but also helps you understand which are the primary EOMs in different fields of gaze.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about anything and I'll try to answer as quickly as I'm able. Please keep in mind I'm a practicing OD and a father of three boys, so sometimes there are limits to how quickly I can respond!

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